Hello everyone, so this is my web site. As you will see this is a hobby of mine and a passion that I have for music. I was asked many times to share some of my work I’ve been doing. Here you can see some of the instruments that I’ve built and the steps in making them. I hope you enjoy. You can send me your comments (in the contact page) if you wish.
Thanks Alain
Bonjour les amis, pour ceux d’entre vous qui voulaient savoir comment j’ai construit mes guitares, voici 3 courtes vidéos Partie 1-3 que vous pouvez regarder sur ma chaîne YouTube. J’espère que vous aimez. S’il te plaît abonne toi si tu veux en voir plus. Merci pour ton soutien et tes commentaires. Prends bien soin de toi.
Alain D .
Hello everyone, for those of you who wanted to know how I built my guitars, here are 3 short videos Part 1-3 you can watch on my YouTube channel. Hope you like. Please
subscribe if you want to see more. Thanks for your support and comments. Take good care. Alain D.